The ashes have been given out in all the morning Masses around here, and we have been truly marked as disciples of Christ. Ash Wednesday is upon us with all its newness and calls to repentence. We are reminded that we are ambassadors for Christ - isn't that great. But the Church doesn't have that view at all. Look at the Scriptures - they are very positive and reassuring. "Come back to me", the Lord pleads to us "don't let fear keep us apart." How could we refuse such a plea? So we'll put away our guilt and fear and turn to God who always forgives, always welcoms us back, always has a smile on his face and love in his heart. Of course. He is God.
Even the way he challenges us is positive. "I don't want sacrifices, but mercy!" he thunders. "Don't put on a pious face and let people know you are fasting!" "The sort of fast I want is to break unjust fetters, let the oppressed go free, share your bread with the hungry, and shelter the homeless poor. Clothe the one who has no suitable garments, and do not turn away from your own kin!!" That is being a true Christian person.
And our reply? It has to be
"Have mercy on me, O God in your kindness, in your compassion blot out my offence. For in sacrifice you take no delight. My sacrifice is a contrite spirit because I know a humbled, contrite heart you well not spurn" (cf Psalm 50)
He never spurns us - read the Prodigal Son (Luke 15:11-32) to see the sort of God he is. As a Prodigal Daughter I am so grateful for that, and for the chances he gives us all the time.
Have a good Lent, enjoy tomorrow, St. Valentine's Day, and show real Christian love, not the purple heart variety but the heart that is glowing with kindness and love of others. You can do it! We'll pray for each other.
Thank you for your prayers which have helped me in my low moments. God bless. We'll meet again next week.